Sex and Sexuality READ THIS FIRST!

Cinders posted on Feb 25, 2009 at 07:52AM
Before you judge us, please link explaining our intentions, and what won't be tolerated on this spot.
Before you judge us, please <a href="">re
last edited on Mar 28, 2011 at 12:01AM

Sex and Sexuality 19 replies

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over a year ago DrDevience said…
Anyone who would report this spot is a sexually repressed moron.
Sinna_Hime_chan commented…
or a very young fanpopper - or BOTH. over a year ago
TotalDramaFan60 commented…
I'm a very young fanpooper and I ain't doin anything over a year ago
over a year ago vider69 said…
I think this spot is great, sex is a 'normal' topic and I'm sure it will be very informative.
over a year ago Olivine said…
I agree :)
Sinna_Hime_chan commented…
I agree too, except I am not sure "Politics" should really enter in. I mean it could, sure, but I would rather it not be, or certain other outside things even if it realtes due to our many differences and views and countries, I wold not like politics discussed through this club. I am not even sure we have a mature enough base for that. over a year ago
over a year ago germany123 said…
this spot isnt shocking..Im just shocked the doc is back!
over a year ago adavila said…
this spot needs to be BANNED its about sexuallity will someone think of the children
Sinna_Hime_chan commented…
OMG. WHERE DO BABIES CUM FROM? 0_0 Someone told me wrong! lol over a year ago
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
If you mean like 13-year-old children, then trust me, they are quite fine.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
Yes Adavilla! OH my, what were we thinking? Educating children about sex so they don't get STDs or pregnant? how dare this spot exist!
over a year ago DrDevience said…
And btw Adavila.. if you think this spot should be banned, why the hell are you contributing to it? Stolen images too, I might add...
over a year ago Cinders said…
I think he was being sarcastic about the banning thing.
over a year ago DrDevience said…
I hope you are right, Carly ;>
over a year ago adavila said…
yes it was sarcasm hehe
you should take it easy drdevience you may get a heart attack
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cinders said…
over a year ago Ashwolf said…
i think this spot it great, having a spot like this is a good idea. personally for me its been a good place to get some pointers
over a year ago Cinders said…
over a year ago Kackahaluzova said…
I'm on it
over a year ago jodieebabee said…
wtf? sex is a natural thing? its a normal topic and kids have sex education when there 11 so im sure its fine, its just a place to give advice and debate? i think its a great spot tbh and people on fanpop are mature and use it in a mature way so its fine?
over a year ago holothewolf16 said…
ummmm,r u ALL adults?
over a year ago BabyBlud said…
^ NO, some of the users on here are children. However the term children is used loosely here. Children to me (from the UK) is 16 and under, those not legal by law to have sexual intercourse. But as you will probably learn once you get to see around more, most of adults and other 'children' are quite mature. You do get the odd pervert here and the occasional child who asks silly questions, but that's all in the game if you know what i mean.
This spot is used to educate people on what sex is, how to keep safe, what could happen physically and emotionally by our own experiences. We do not condone pornography in any way (although i must admit some pictures posted do seem halfway there).
over a year ago Sinna_Hime_chan said…
Some of us are adults, YES, ages 21 through "anything," but the Club is PG. If you want to be specific this club (like others here on Fanpop) must fall in the range of PG-13-R that must keep in mind the younger viewers. I think younger viewers should ALSO keep in mind that there ARE adults here TOO: 25, 35, 45 year old+ that do NOT want repeated questions asking people to get graphic though most of us do not mind answering a legitimate general sexual question about sex or related sexual things but we DO mind deliberately aimed horny trolling/spamming. LOL No No Nooooooooo.

People could read the banner, the link given at the top, and realise this is more for education, questions, and to get together and openly discuss, NOT a hook-up site or a porn club or anything besides asking questions to each other that are SEXUALLY age APPROPRIATE.

[ CHILDREN should NOT be on this SITE muchless this club!! (I know they do, but that is Fanpop's rules. Teenagers yes, & teenage questions about sex are one thing, but a younger child on here makes me uncomfortable. They may say inappropriate things and see inappropriate things. Their questions will also not be age appropriate for a target that is sexually active or sexually curious and at those hormonal teenage ages... NOT under that age!]

Hellooooo ..........................................­...­...­...­.. :/
As an adult, I am not bothered by more, or nudity, but for some this is a place to "glimpse" a more revealing side (that is kept within reason) and we should all be ABLE to feel comfortable here.

(lol @ image & this is about as risque as we can get, give or take a lil) Sorry
Some of us are adults, YES, ages 21 through "anything," but the Club is PG. If you want to be specifi